Community Teaching Artist Certificate Program

Instructor leading children in movement. P.S. 艺术的标志.

在线 Community Teaching Artist Certificate (CTA) Program provides a theoretical and practical foundation from which teaching artists can assess and deepen their own practice in the communities they serve. 的  8-week program focuses on a broad curriculum, 教育学, and professionalization in applied community arts education. It allows dynamic artistic and cultural leaders to enhance and improve efficacy and marketability. Teaching artists will build on their own creative capital and gain insights into adapting and orienting themselves in diverse community settings. (图:P.S. 艺术 teaching artist, Kara Jenelle Wade, with elementary students learning dance.)


T在这里 are three core competencies that define the Community Teaching Artist Certificate Program:

  • Cross-Cultural Connection and Communication: Understanding the culture of community and its diversity.
  • Classroom Management: Demonstrating knowledge of best practices at community art sites, and developing teaching and learning goals for participants/students.
  • Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Understanding that community arts education is the endeavor of helping people to optimize their creativity in a calm and nurturing environment to ensure students are empowered to make choices and develop confidence and competence.

P.S. 艺术 is offering an optional practical component, expanding the existing curriculum to include a series of three, 面对面, morning sessions. This practicum will give participants experiential learning in arts education facilitation. 的y will work with P.S. 艺术 educator development specialists to practice and apply what they are learning in the course. Through hands-on workshops and practicum activities, participants will increase their applicable, actionable skills for real arts classroom settings. 的y will also be able to further develop their pedagogical practice as teaching artists. Learn more about P.S. 艺术.

的 Community Teaching Artist Certificate Program is ideal for:

  • Artists engaged or interested in teaching in community settings such as schools, parks and recreation locations, senior citizen centers, medical and health centers, and special needs facilities, 等.
  • Artists that are interested in ensuring keeping the inner-artist alive.
  • Preparing content/context curriculum for transition to the classroom.
  • Review the study of safe space in a community arts education setting.

的 cost for the 8-week 在线 Community Teaching Artist Certificate Program is $995.

Because this is not an academic degree-seeking program, this program does not qualify for financial aid, 奖助金, and scholarships. 

Class dates for the Community Teaching Artist (CTA) Certificate Program are Fridays, September 13 through November 1, 2024. (3 hours synchronous 在线 plus 2 hours independent).

CTA Instructor: Dustin Garnett, Ph.D.

Program Topics:*

  • Place, History, and Personality
  • CTA Professional Standards and Classroom Management
  • Dynamics and Development
  • 多样性 and Planning Universally
  • Multigenerational Learners, Course Design and Feedback
  • Inclusivity in Community
  • Artist-Teacher Identity and Pedagogical Temperament
  • Portfolio Sharing and CTA Resources

*Topics are subject to change.

应用 to the Community Teaching Artist Certificate Program. 的 application deadline is Friday, August 30, 2024.

Please read 加州大学洛杉矶分校's Non-Discrimination Policy 在这里.

For more information, please 电子邮件 the College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) Program Office or call 323-343-4915.